Marne Valley Turf

Sir Walter Buffalo is a creeping lawn that only creeps over surfaces so it can be edged easily; Unlike other creeping grasses that can travel underground and are hard to keep out of the garden. This variety loves the summer and struggles within winter conditions; It will retain some winter colour, improving with age.
Sir Walter is extremely drought tolerant, and grows well in the sun or dry lightly shaded areas. It will struggle to grow in winter and conditions that are excessively damp or shaded. Sir Walter grows best within summer conditions.
Kikuyu has good drought tolerance and will rapidly self repair from wear. A true low maintenance grass, Kikuyu will stay green with minimal irrigation and fertilizer.
A very fine leafed couch noted for its attractive appearance and colour retention in the Victorian climate. Santa Ana is considered a ‘low maintenance’ grass. Hardwearing in nature, Santa Ana is less invasive than other creeping grasses. Santa Ana can be cut extremely short and can be used as a home golf green.

NEW VARIETY - High wear tolerance. Low thatch with a Dense fine Vertical Leaf. Deep green colour and soft to the touch and underfoot. Produces low seed head (common irritant to people with allergies). High Drought tolerance and high cold tolerance, great for growing in most parts of Australia. Low water usage, reduced fertilizer requirements.

If you require delivery, please click the button below to purchase Marne Valley Turf from our friends at Garden Grove.